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CBS Seminar: Laura Andreae- Cell-type specific synaptic alterations in mouse models for ASD

Laura is a Reader in Developmental Neuroscience at Kings College London

We are pleased to invite you to this CBS Seminar with Laura Andreae, Reader in Developmental Neuroscience at Kings College London. This will be a hybrid seminar with the speaker presenting live in-person in the RILD Lecture Theatre on the RD&E site.

Event details


Bio: Laura Andreae studied medicine at Cambridge and UCL, and practised as a doctor for a few years before seeing the light! She did her PhD with Andrew Lumsden in developmental neurobiology at King's College London followed by a postdoc with Tim Bliss working on LTP and plasticity at the NIMR in Mill Hill, and with Juan Burrone on synaptic vesicle cycling at King's. She set up her own lab at King's at the end of 2013. Her lab works on synapse and circuit development in health and in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders.


Abstract: Genetic studies have identified many genes as conferring increased risk for autism, but how these genetic alterations lead to phenotypic changes is not understood. We are interested in identifying and understanding cellular phenotypes, in the hope of finding potential mechanistic convergence and perhaps eventually therapeutic targets. Autism risk genes tend to broadly fall into two categories: transcriptional control and synaptic. We have investigated mouse models with mutations in each of these categories, and focused on identifying changes to the balance between excitatory and inhibitory synapses in prefrontal cortex. 


Join Zoom Meeting

We are pleased to invite you to this CBS Seminar with Laura Andreae, Reader in Developmental Neuroscience at Kings College London. This will be a hybrid seminar with the speaker presenting live in-person in the RILD Lecture Theatre on the RD&E site. There is also the option join virtually – a Zoom joining link and full details to sign in can be found below. A drinks reception with alcoholic drinks and nibbles will also be provided at the seminar. Please feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and networks. 

For more details on previous seminars please see the CBS Seminars SharePoint or email

Event: Wednesday 13th March 3:00- 5:00pm the RILD Lecture Theatre on the RD&E site
Title: Cell-type specific synaptic alterations in mouse models for ASD